Feb 17, 2009

Presidential Dogs

Alright, so Hank's the greatest dog in the world if I haven't mentioned that to you yet this week. Last night, I was feeling a little blech, so went up stairs and laid in bed. NOTHING was on TV, so as I was looking through I noticed a show called Dogs 101 on Animal Planet. But this wasn't any episode, it was the Presidential Dogs episode! It was actually REALLY fun! It was all about dogs that presidents have had AT the White House, and what kinds of dogs, and all that fun stuff. Hank would have a blast at the White House we decided, and America would (obviously) fall in love with him, but no, he's my dog.

Anyway, if you're curious to watch it (or home bored since it's that mid-season TV time and nothing good is on till LOST on Wednesday) see if it's still showing on Animal Planet, or you can watch it here:


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