May 23, 2008

Oedipus Complex

So, the last two weeks at work have been CRAZY for me. And then last weekend we were in Yakima and Hank was at Daycare for the weekend. So, yesterday when I got home from work, Hank had been at day camp, and Jeremiah picked him up. Hank always comes barreling down the stairs to greet me when I come in through the garage. And Jeremiah said he'd been sleeping the whole time since he got home. And as soon as I got home, he was WIRED, all over the place running around and just wanted to be by me.

The today, Jeremiah stayed home sick from work, so they had father-puppy bonding time all day. He was pretty lazy according to Jeremiah, and then when I got home this afternoon he was RIGHT NEXT TO ME. It was pretty cute, and kind of annoying since I was trying to put stuff down and get situated to be home for the evening. Mostly he was just cute though. We went on a walk, he just ate dinner and now he's passed out on the floor while we watch Letterman.

But, he's the best dog in the world, even if he IS a mama's boy...

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