Dec 18, 2008

Hank Come out!

I just took Hank out to play in the snow and run around a little bit. HE clearly wanted out of the house to see what was going on! So, I took him outside, and besides eating snow, he was doing VERY well, so I let him off his leash to run on the sidewalk behind our house. NO ONE was out, so he was set! Hank came running towards me when I called, and then a guy came walking down the stairs, so hank made a beeline for him. Luckily it was Cash’s dad, and he knows Hank so was totally fine with him. Darren said that Cash was waiting for him to come home so they could play, and then his wife opened the front door and Cash came running towards Hank. They ran up and down the sidewalk, it was SO CUTE, but then Cash started heading towards his mom…and Hank followed…right into their house! CRAP! So, the wife went inside, and I called for Hank, they called for Cash, and luckily he came right back out, but oh man is Hank not shy! They ran around a bit more, peed a little, and now they’re both happy to be back inside where it’s WARM!

1 comment:

Lara Harris said...

Love this photo!Just wish it were a bit bigger, so awesome!:o)