Feb 25, 2008

I wonder what he's thinking...

This morning I took Hank on a quick walk around the block to make sure that he'd be OK for 10 hours today. The garbage truck was out, and it was pretty funny to watch Hank check out the truck. We were walking towards it on the sidewalk, and as we got closer, Hank clearly slowed down to let me go first and make sure it was OK. He's not a huge fan of loud noises, so I wasn't really surprised. But as soon as the truck started to drive off, he jumped ahead to scope it out and slinked down like he was all tough, it was pretty funny.

Hank seemed pretty tired this morning. Usually he follows me around and keeps tabs on what's going on. Today he jumped up on his chair while I was getting my lunch packed up. he was TIRED today. Poor guy, hopefully a day of rest is just what he needs!

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