Feb 16, 2008

Saturday at the Park with Hank...

This morning we were awoken about 7 AM by Hank jumping up on the bed to let us know he was awake, and ready to go when we are. We got him to sleep and snuggle with us for about an hour, and then we were all up! The plan today was to take my car over for its 60K check up, and then go straight to Marymoor for a morning at the park. It was overcast this morning, but promises of blue skies and sunshine were on the agenda. So, we went over to Marymoor and Hank did GREAT as usual, but still barks for the ball. We've kind of decided that this was our fault, because when we first got Hank he didn't bark, but if we squeaked a ball enough he would bark for us. So, now we're in trouble. Anyway, we had a great time at the dog park. We were almost to the end of our trek, and all of a sudden I see a green beach ball go flying through the park, AND THEN, I saw a little French bulldog running after it, it was the funniest dog thing I've ever seen! We all were laughing, it was so hysterical. Although, I do think I'll have to get Hank one of those $3 beach balls for when we go to Moclips at the end of the month!

Then, we came home and Hank passed out for the rest of the morning and into the afternoon. Today was ALSO our first day of dog training! "Basic Manners." Oh boy. We're pretty sure this class is more for US, and Hank will just be an active participant. The first class is without the dog, and she talks for almost 2 hours on stuff we will learn, and some good basics to know. It was good, we got clickers, and homework for the next week, which is to get Hank use to the clicker, and give him treats after he hears it, so he LOVES the class so far, even though he hasn't been yet. During the class a bird got into the auditorium where we were. It was so annoying through class, and I kept getting distracted! But, such is life, and no one got pooped on. Although....

(SIDE BAR!) On Thursday at work, my co-worker Lori came back from her lunch break (it was a beautiful day) where she had been sitting outside eating her lunch. She comes in and informs us that a bird POOPED on her! Missed her head, but totally caught her chest and arm. Happy Valentine's Day Lori...sad day. Anyway, that was too funny not to share (sorry Lori!).

Okay, so we survived basic manners today, the trainer is great, she's very loud and enthusiastic which will be GREAT with the dogs, but as you can imagine, she's not Jeremiah's favorite person. It should go well in class, and hopefully Hank will learn to do what we say when we want him to. HE already sees the treats that I was cutting up and would sit right down at the sight of treats, so we're going in the right direction I think...

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