Jul 23, 2008

He likes me, he really likes me!

It's no question I have the world's greatest dog. My birthday was yesterday, but I had to go to Stupid Dallas for a sales rally. But, I got home on time last night, which was nice. However, on Monday night, Jeremiah picked up Hank from Day Camp and they headed home for the evening. Evidently every time a car drove by, Hank jumped off the couch to check it out (this isn't typical). AND THEN, at one point, he finally went over and sat on the floor at the top of the stairs, waiting for me. What a GREAT DOG!

So, when I got home yesterday, Jeremiah let him out on the patio, and he paced and whimpered, and scratched at the gate wanting out, and then finally "stood up" on the gate and kissed my chin. WHAT A GREAT DOG!

And, I'm just so glad that I don't have this dog...

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