Jan 31, 2008

Basic Manners? But why?

That's right folks, Hank is finally signed up for his basic manners course that we got with his adoption at the Humane Society. It starts in two weeks, we are very excited! I think it will be more training for us, Hank does know some basic manners it's more of a paying attention to it when he wants to thing.

He's still only pooping once a day, which is frustrating. The vet asked for a stool sample, but we have to deliver it between 8-6 and it has to be within 12 hours of when the sample is produced. Hank likes to poop on our after work walk, which usually means he poops at about 6:15...really helpful! Maybe tomorrow I can get home by 5 and get it, but I still kind of don't think it'll happen since I have a meeting at work at 3:30...ugh!

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