Jan 22, 2008

God's sense of humor is lame...

So, after commenting on my lack of desire for children yesterday, God decided to one up me.

I came home from work tonight as usual. Hank had eaten his breakfast this morning with Jeremiah and seemed just fine today. So, I get home, and Hank comes running down the stairs as usual. Since he hasn't peed (and today hasn't pooped) since we left at 7, we go straight outside to get the mail and pee. Everything seems just fine, Hank's excited to see me as always and ready to GO!

We come back inside, head up the stairs, Hank runs to the top of the stairs and waits...he knows he may get in trouble. It looks like the can of dog food and the breakfast this morning didn't sit well. Why do I know this? Because he's vomited all over my carpet with brown dog food! I'm in work clothes so set my stuff down and we head up stairs. Just to make sure...we get into our bedroom and it looks like he also had a little spit up (just water/bile stuff) right inside our closet. It's small and won't leave a stain (God willing...). I change and head back downstairs with a big kitchen spoon and the garbage can and proceed to scoop barf up. OH BOY! What I wouldn't give to be working 14 hour days on a day like this...

We clean up, go for a walk, he seems just fine. We get home, and I'm thinking that I'll just make him some rice which he likes if he has an upset tummy. He comes upstairs, and drinks a ton of water. Then I'm going between rooms, and he's standing in the living room in front of the TV. All of a sudden I hear a cough/hack thing. I go into the living room and he's barfed on the floor again in front of the TV. All that water came right back up. So, we wipe it up, and just laid down for a while on the floor.

Jeremiah came home about 8 and took over dog watching duty. I made some rice and we decided to give him a little. He drank more water, we gave him 30 minutes to let it settle, then gave him some rice. He didn't want to eat it so we poured a little chicken broth over it, and he seemed to like that.

The bigger problem is that tomorrow is a busy day of meetings and presentations and events. Jeremiah's in busy season so Hank's going to day camp tomorrow. I'm a little nervous that they wont' let him in because he's been sick. But, I'm 99% sure it's the dog food, and since that's (clearly) out of his system he should be fine. Hopefully he'll eat some in the morning and be back to 110% by tomorrow night.

Ugh...but still, no 2 am feedings, hooray!

1 comment:

Mamacraw said...

Okay, welcome to my world! Not only do I not clean up kid barf very well, but dog barf goes about as well! Advice from a well-seasoned barf cleaner? Iams/Eukanuba Intestinal Low-Residue dry food. No canned food - only the kibble with a little water to make some "gravy". Abby has an extremely sensitive stomach. So much so that she cannot have any "people food" and is on the dry veterinary diet. What does your vet say?