Nov 16, 2007

Heaven on Earth

Today, Hank had his vaccination appointment. He did pretty well considering they shoved a thermometer up his butt, and gave him 3 shots! ugh! Since Hank is now fully vaccinated that means he's 100% and can go to the dog park and play with more dogs. SO, we ventured up to the Bark Park this afternoon. We did think ahead enough to throw a towel on the back seat to help the hair situation on my recently vacuumed out car thankfully. So, off to the Bark Park. HEAVEN ON EARTH. It didn't take long for Hank to realize he was FREE to run and play. We bought a couple of fun presents, including a chuck it and a Frisbee. Hank LOVED running after the balls, and there was another dog there too, and they got along pretty well.

Here's what we didn't think's been raining lately, and sprinkled a bit while we were there. Having never been before we decided to let him roam free before we noticed ALL THE MUD. TONS, Hank turned a lovely shade of dark brown quickly. But man alive did Hank have a BLAST!

So, we played for about a half hour, and then in started to rain enough we decided to wipe him down and head home. We pulled up the seats and Hank laid down in the back of the car just fine.

We got home. And really, this deserves it's own post...

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