Nov 16, 2007

Something that's NOT a good idea... bathing Hank yourself.

DISCLAIMER: None of this was my idea, this was ALL Jeremiah.

Earlier this week, Hank was invited to go to Grandma's for Thanksgiving. He's really excited about it, but he does not currently smell like roses. So, he needs a bath. The plan was for Hank to get an exit bath when he checked out on Sunday after Thanksgiving. But, now that he's going he needs a bath. So, Jeremiah called earlier this week to get a bath scheduled for him, and they were full through the holiday weekend. SO, my husband (really, he's a VERY smart man) decided that a good daddy/puppy experience would be to bath Hank himself. Jeremiah bought a shower hose this morning for Hank and planned to give Hank a bath tomorrow.

After we got home from the Bark Park today, we knew that Hank needed to get a bath NOW. So, we left Hank outside and Jeremiah quickly put the shower hose together. And then he put on a swim suit (Jeremiah, not Hank) and I brought Hank into the main/guest bathroom. I shut the door and did a little bit of cleaning up (Hank wasn't the only one who got mud on him). Then, I heard Jeremiah ask me to come in. This was evidently NOT a father/pup experience but a parent/pup experience. So, I changed into different clothes and ventured into the bathroom. The next 20 some minutes were mostly a blur of angry dog, a couple of times Jeremiah picked up Hank and put him in, and then two times of Hank backing out once he started to get wet. Finally, Jeremiah just hosed him off a bit, on the bathroom floor. The bathroom doesn't look as bad as it COULD have, and towels are in the wash.

Wednesday at 11 AM, Hank's getting a Shampooch at another area doggy daycare in town that doest baths. HOORAY! I don't care what it costs, it'll be worth it.

Hank is currently air drying and passed out on the floor. We brushed him off and wiped him down with baby wipes, and we think he'll survive.

The Dog park is a great place, but we need to plan for a direct delivery to the dog cleaners, he sure likes it!


Anonymous said...


Peter Milliron said...

Oh man that is waaaay too funny. I wish you had the whole thing recorded for posterity. BUT what I'd really love is to here the same story again but from Jeremiah's perspective!

Paula said...
