Nov 17, 2007

Why Me?

We all know how much I love Hank and what a GREAT dog he is. We continue to get compliments on what a great dog he is, and for just 3 weeks, how mellow he is. Tonight, Hank met Gravy, a collie mix. And yes, Gravy's brother is named Biscuit. For as wild as Gravy was, Hank was nice and calm and politely sniffed his butt. Gravy's owner was very nice and complimentary of Hank.

But, that's not the question. The question is: Why will Hank only poop when I walk him? What does he have against Jeremiah? I don't get it. I think Hank believes I'm the pack leader, so does that mean he will only take a dump for me??? I'm happy to relinquish my pack leader abilities if it means that he poops for Jeremiah!


Peter Milliron said...

And I'm thinking you should quit whining since Hank poops OUTSIDE for you and INSIDE for Jeremiah. Take your pick . . .

Elizabeth said...

Oh yeah, he took a dump on the stairs for me today...

I was going to hide that till AFTER our visit to Grandma Paula, but in the interest of keeping things on the up & up...

Anonymous said...

Hank and I have a special bond. He popps only for Elizabeth and I pay him with puppy treats. He's recently asked for a hot female to fraternize with, but that's still in negotiations.


Paula said...

I'm starting to get worried.......